Online Registration
- We strongly recommend you register for any group fitness class to reserve your spot.
- Begin by visiting the UREC Membership portal to sign up for classes and sign your Facility Access waiver.
Sign in with your U of A username and password. If you have an Alumni or Family membership and do not have a U of A username and password email and request to access to online registration.
Click on "courses" in the navigation bar, then use the class categories to narrow the list of classes. Note that only those group fitness courses are open for registration 24 hours prior to class time will be displayed.
Group fitness classes close online 10 minutes before the start of the class.
Select the "Add to Cart" button beside the course offering that you select.
You will be taken to your shopping cart. From here you can select "Continue Shopping" to add another class, or select "Check Out" to complete your order.
After selecting "Check Out", click the "My Account" link at the top of the page and verify that the course you registered for is listed in your "Additional Information" section. If the course isn't listed, go back through the steps of registration again. You should receive a confirmation email once you have registered for a class.
If you get an error message, contact for assistance, or phone in your registration to the UREC main office at 479-575-4646 during operating hours.
If you do not receive an email confirmation after registering for the class please contact the UREC main office at 479-575-4646 to check on the status of your class registration.
- To claim your registered spot, arrive no later than 10 minutes prior to class. Participants who are not checked in 10 minutes prior to class time will forfeit their spot and be considered a no-show. No-shows are subject to the above penalties.
- We strongly recommend you register for any group fitness class to reserve your spot.
- Begin by visiting the UREC Membership portal to sign up for classes and sign your Facility Access waiver.
Sign in with your U of A username and password. If you have an Alumni or Family membership and do not have a U of A username and password email and request to access to online registration.
Click on "courses" in the navigation bar, then use the class categories to narrow the list of classes. Note that only those group fitness courses are open for registration 24 hours prior to class time will be displayed.
Select the "Add to Cart" button beside the course offering that you select.
You will be taken to your shopping cart. From here you can select "Continue Shopping" to add another class, or select "Check Out" to complete your order.
After selecting "Check Out", click the "My Account" link at the top of the page and verify that the course you registered for is listed in your "Additional Information" section. If the course isn't listed, go back through the steps of registration again. You should receive a confirmation email once you have registered for a class.
- The Zoom link will be sent to you via the confirmation email.
- You may also find the Zoom link in your member portal profile by click on the camera icon next to your class registration.
- Important: You will be prompted upon clicking the link to Sign in with SSO(single sign on). Click this option and enter uark. This should allow you to join the class.
- To claim your registered spot, you may arrive up to 10 minutes prior to class.
- Make sure zoom has your speaker
- Mute your microphone! (bottom right hand corner) This is super important! If your microphone is not muted, the camera flips back to you. When we upload these to our website, other participants will see you instead of the instructor.
- Get moving and have fun!
- Group fitness participants will not be able to join class more than 10 minutes after start time.
- We will be recording these videos and hope to share them in the future.
- Group fitness participants will not be able to join class more than 10 minutes after start time.
You must have Zoom 5.0+ downloaded to join any of our group fitness classes: ZOOM UPDATE
You may cancel your registration by going to the UREC membership portal at
- Sign in with your U of A username and password.
- Click on your account "profile"
- Click on "registrations"
- Click "cancel" on the class you wish to cancel in your profile
You must cancel your registration at least 30 minutes prior to class time to avoid a penalty. Late cancellations are subject to the following penalties:
First offense: email warning
Second offense: email warning
Third offense (and all subsequent offenses): participant will be blocked from online registration privileges for seven days.
In the event that you cannot register online in advance for a in person class, or a class is full, you may sign up to be in the standby line for the in person class. If you wish to standby for a class, sign up with the Fitness Monitor. If vacancies become available within 10 minutes of class time due to no-shows, you may be admitted to the class.