Climbing Wall

climbing wall

UREC Outdoors Climbing Wall (HPER Gym 1)

The UREC Outdoors climbing wall is located in HPER Gym 1 (HPER 222). Completed in 2014 by Eldorado Climbing Walls, this 26' structure features seven top rope climbing lanes, five lead climbing lanes, two auto-belays, a hand crack, and a belay ledge.

Only individuals with a valid UARK student ID, UREC members, or valid guest pass may use the climbing wall. Participants must show valid ID prior to each use.



All climbing equipment, including harnesses, belay devices, and climbing shoes, are available for check-out at the climbing wall at no additional cost. All equipment is for use on the climbing wall only.

Climbers are welcome to use their personal harness, shoes, chalk, and helmet if approved by the climbing wall supervisor on duty.

Free Top-rope belay clinics are available frequently in the Spring Semester, check our trips and activities page for the most up to date information. The clinics are first come-first serve and are full at 6 participants. The clinics last approximately 1.5-2 hours. 

What is belaying? It is the process of managing the climbing rope for a climber who is on the wall, using special equipment and techniques.

Belay clinics are intended to teach participants of all of experience levels the particular policies and required methods for safely belaying at our climbing wall. A belay clinic is not a certification course and is not intended to provide an adequate level of instruction for a climber to climb outside on their own. All climbing wall instruction is created for indoor climbing only.

Upon completion of a belay clinic, participants must wait until the following day to complete a skills assessment.

Climbing wall participants must successfully complete a belay skills assessment to belay other participants.

Anyone who has completed a belay clinic or who has an adequate level of climbing experience and competence is eligible for a belay skills assessment.

Belay skills assessments are valid beginning the day the assessment is completed until the following June. Belay skills assessments must be completed no earlier than one day after a participant completed their belay clinic.

Top Rope Assessment Requirements

Lead Climbing Assessment Requirements

Lead climbing clinics are designed to educate participants on the practices and policies required for lead climbing at our indoor climbing wall, while also establishing a general foundation climbers can take with them when they leave the clinic.

Topics covered in the clinic include: proper communication, lead belaying, climbing and clipping techniques, falling, rope management, and risk mitigation. After completion of the course climbers must pass the lead climbing and belaying test in order to lead climb at the wall.

View our Lead Clinic schedule.

Facility Usage

  • Participation in all activities in the HPER Building, at the UREC Sports Complex, or in any program sponsored by UREC, regardless of location, is voluntary on behalf of all participants. 
    • All participants acknowledge and agree that the University of Arkansas does not provide insurance for any of its activities and shall not be liable for any injuries that occur at any of these locations or in any of its programs.
  • The climbing wall may be used only when climbing wall staff is present.
  • Participants must sign a waiver of release prior to utilizing the climbing wall.
  • Instruction is to be given by the climbing wall staff only. Instruction is for indoor climbing use only. Further instruction is necessary for climbing outdoors. 
  • The UREC staff reserves the right to ask participants to leave the facility at any time for unsafe or inappropriate behavior.


  • Participants ages 5-17 may climb, but must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  • All minors must have a parent or legal guadrian sign the climbing wall waiver
  • Climbers must be at least 17 years of age to belay.  


  • Participants are required to properly use the ropes, carabiners, and belay devices provided by UREC Outdoors
  • Participants must use approved safety equipment when utilizing the climbing wall: harnesses, shoes, and helmets are provided at no cost (Participants may not use personal climbing hardware or ropes).
  • Climber and belayer harnesses must be double-backed or properly fed through buckles at the waist and leg loops.


  • Climbing wall participants must successfully complete belay skills assessment prior to belaying.
  • Climbing wall participants must follow belay and climbing procedures established by the UREC Department at all times.
  • Top-rope and lead climbers must have an approved belayer while climbing.

Bouldering on the Climbing Wall

  • For bouldering or lead climbing up to the lowest hanger, a spotter is recommended.
  • When bouldering, no part of the participant may exceed the lowest row of lead climbing hangers.


  • Proper clothing and footwear are required at all times. Climbing with bare feet or in sandals is not permitted.
  • Jewelry, clothing, and hair should be properly secured to avoid entanglement in climbing equipment.


Climbing Wall
HPER Gym 1 (222)
Sunday - Thursday  4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Friday - Saturday  Closed

Contact Us

For additional information on the Climbing program, contact UREC Outdoors at 479-575-CAMP or