Advisory Council

2023-2024 Club Sports Advisory Council

Members of the Advisory Council are selected through an application process conducted by current Advisory Council members and the  Council UREC Advisor. Consideration will be based upon their ability to be leaders within their organization and the club sports program as a whole.  Their responsibilities include:

  • Assist with the facilitation of Club Sports Officer Growth Sessions 
  • Lead the event planning and fundraising projects for the annual ACS Awards
  • Assist in the yearly recommendations of Club Sport allocations
  • Create and distribute monthly newsletters to Club Sport officers
  • Collaborate with the Club Sports Administration by developing and organizing Fall/Spring Officer Training 
  • Review applications for aspiring Club Sports 

Advisory Council Application

The current advisory council is accepting applications for interested club members that have a desire to serve on the Advisory board starting in Spring 2024. Please take a moment to complete the application and attached required letters of recommendation. Please see detailed position description here.

Current Members

Member Club

Ethan Maxwell, Chair

Shotgun Sports

Haze Robinette

Shotgun Sports

Deeksha Shanmuganathan
